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Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)
FACT Program Training
with Lauren Plinkinton

This training will provide attendees a better understanding of the ACT model and provide an opportunity to ask any questions surrounding the FACT team.
The TEAMs link information for this training will be sent out within 48 hours of the training date.
About FACT, per the Department of Children and Families (DCF):
In an effort to promote independent, integrated living for individuals with severe and persistent psychiatric disorders, Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams provide a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a week, multidisciplinary approach to deliver comprehensive care to people where they live, work or go to school, and spend their leisure time. The programmatic goals are to prevent recurrent hospitalization and incarceration and improve community involvement and overall quality of life for program participants. FACT teams assume responsibility for directly providing the majority of treatment, rehabilitation and support services to individuals. Emphasis is on recovery, choice, outreach, relationship-building, and individualization of services. Enhancement funds are available to assist with housing costs, medication costs, and other needs identified in the recovery planning process. The number of contacts and the frequency at which they are provided is set through collaboration rather than service limits. Statewide, there are 33 FACT teams staffed with a psychiatrist, licensed mental health professionals, nurses, a vocational specialist, a substance abuse specialist, peer specialists and case managers. Each team serves 100 individuals with an average caseload of 1:12.